Features and Interviews


” My constant dream was to be a woman on my own terms: you are your biggest asset..”

“I am invested in centering African women and the liberation of Africa as a continent, and I want to focus on creating a space for young feminists to be heard, seen and understood” ~Interview with Nobel Women

Interview: Judicaelle Irakoze ‘Don’t Miss To Be Part Of The Change Happening Around You’

“Women empowerment cum este sa fii activista feminista de culoare”~ Interview with Glamour Romania

“Feminismo, moda y hermandad, la fórmula de éxito de Judicaelle Irakoze”~ Interview with La Vanguardia

“African youth want and need political stability” ~ Interview with FES

“Women’s History Month kicks off at UMaine”
~ Wabi TV news

Global Leaders to Debate Migration, Forced Displacement, SDGs at “European Development Days”
~ Relief web news

“11 inspirational women from Burundi”~ Culture Trip

“Judicaelle Irakoze on feminism and fashion”~ Interview with News Times Rwanda

“Women need to unlearn every patriarchal lie, says Irakoze”~ Interview with New Times Rwanda


" We are at a prophetic moment" ~ Judicaelle Irakoze

Judicaelle Irakoze of Choose Yourself discusses why she believes we are at a “prophetic moment” in our collective work for social change, how we build upon the dreams of the feminist movements before us, and where we can go from here. This clip was part of our panel event discussing the past, present, and future of feminism, done in partnership with the Portland Museum of Art.

Interview with TV47 Kenya

Judicaelle Irakoze’s insight on white supremacy.

Changing narratives around African migrations

When talking about African migrations, many tend to think of thousands of unemployed youth who want to reach western nations in search of greener pastures. But this is not necessarily the case according to this panel at the recently held in Brussels at the European Development Days.

Breaking silence about Rape

Exploring gaps in reporting rape

Feminism and Gender equality

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